Stocking Stuffer – A Magical Holiday Market

Save the Dates! Friday, December 5 – Sunday, December 7, 2025

Thank you to our
2024 Stocking Stuffer Event Sponsors:

Scholar Hotels LLC
McQuaide Blasko

Kish Bank
Rapid Transit Sports

Rack Card Sponsor:
Happy Valley Adventure Bureau

The 22nd Annual Stocking Stuffer Magical Holiday Market was a splendid and successful event, thanks to all who made it possible. From the stunning array of treasures to buy, to the planning and execution of the event, everything went seamlessly. Hats off to our generous event, business, and room sponsors, supporters, and volunteers who contributed. And thanks to all of you who came out to shop and support local businesses, artisans and the Centre County Historical Society.

Our special thanks to Scholar Hotels LLC, McQuaide Blasko, Kish Bank, and Rapid Transit Sports for their generous event sponsorship. Special thanks as well to our friends at The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau for sponsoring our rack card and encouraging visitors to explore and discover Happy Valley.

Bouquets of gratitude to floral designers Avant Garden and Daniel Vaughn Designs for their professional contribution to deck the Mansion’s halls with stunning holiday finery since 2009. And thank you to Tait Farm Trees for their tree donation for the Stocking Stuffer entrance. We hope you will take time to visit the Mansion in the next couple of weeks to take in the holiday decorations; they will be on display until December 23.

Enthusiastic cheers to the Harris Township Lions Club and other parking volunteers for keeping our parking lots safe for shoppers. And many thanks to all who helped with the extensive effort of setting up for the sale, and cleaning up afterward!

We would like to express our gratitude to Stocking Stuffer Chair Deb McManus who has been instrumental in the success of this annual event.

We would also like to thank CCHS Marketing and Event Coordinator Johanna Sedgwick for her invaluable contribution to the event. Her seamless coordination of vendor registration and attention to the myriad details involved in transforming the inside of the mansion for this event truly are amazing. And many thanks to Katy Stager for coordination of the volunteer cashier area, and to Becky Dreese for ensuring a smooth transition with this critical piece!

Kudos and many thanks to the Centre Furnace Mansion Gardeners for their donations of materials and time after a busy garden season to beautifully decorating the exterior. With special thanks to Garden Committee co-coordinators Beverly Lipski and Katie Frieden for their leadership.

Thank you to our Centre Furnace Mansion Docents and CCHS volunteers who helped assemble Stocking Stuffer products and several other tasks in between tours and other activities this fall. And to Jude Larkin for thoughtfully decorating the Mansion’s west parlor mantels and the Founders Room tree.

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to our talented vendors for their variety of products for holiday giving and for their thoughtful displays that make the event more festive. And to all who donated antiques and treasures to sell this year!

As the event has grown, so too has this grand effort that has made the event a traditional community entrée to the holiday season.

Our annual CCHS fundraisers, loyal membership, business and individual supporters, and the thousands of volunteer hours generously given each year are critical components to our operation.  It is thanks to this incredible spirit of generosity that we are able to keep CCHS tour and history programming and initiatives alive at the Centre Furnace Mansion, the Boogersburg School, and beyond.

Thank you again and best wishes for a lovely holiday season and New Year!

Deb McManus, Stocking Stuffer Chair
Mary Sorensen, Executive Director
Johanna Sedgwick, Marketing and Events Coordinator
Katy Stager, Cashier Coordinator

2024 Holiday Design Sponsors:

Avant Garden
Daniel Vaughn Designs

Business Supporters

Tait Farm Christmas Trees
Wiscoy for Animals
Way Fruit Farm

Room Sponsors:

Candace and Robert Dannaker
Steve & Carol Gentry
Annie Hamilton Taylor, Marty
Gutowski, & Libby Taylor
Mary Watson
Roger L. Williams &
Karen Magnuson

Holiday Music Co-Sponsors

The Whistle Tones
The Fair Winds III

Stocking Stuffer Supporters

Laurene Keck
Ruth Merritt
Liz Reed
Centre Furnace Mansion Gardeners
Centre Furnace Mansion Docents

Organizational Volunteers

Harris Township Lions Club
Penn State Circle K

Antiques and Treasures Donated:

Paul Brown
Candace Dannaker
Jan Deveney
Katie and Rob Frieden
Amos & Casey Goodall
Marilyn Jenkins
Philip & Eileen Stauffer
Annie Hamilton Taylor & Libby Taylor
Jane Whitaker
Paula & Greg Wilson

2024 Stocking Stuffer Volunteer Contributors:

Elliot Abrams
Chuck Allen
Joni Arrington
Frank Barksdale
Ann Barton
Carol Bland
Alexis Bowerman
Susan Bowser
David Chisnell
Johanna Chisnell
Joyce Christini
Connie Cousins
Lukas Danielsson
Candace Dannaker
Cynthia Dawso Van Druff
Felicia Dionisio Hetzman
Bill Donahue
Carolyn Donaldson
Becky Dreese
Marti Duffy
Elizabeth Dutton
Michele Ebaugh
Jackie Esposito
Diane Farr
Ashley Ferguson
Addie Finkle
Patti Wood Finkle
Katie Frieden
Carol Gentry
Steve Gentry
Yvonne Gaudelius
Lizzie Gordon
Levi Gordon

Claire Gray
Michael Green
Meredith Hall
Sarah Hall
Elizabeth Hanley
Karen Hazel
Judy Heberling
Ardranna Henry
Robert Hoffman
Lam Hood
Barbara Hudson
Michael Husband
Chris Igo
Owen Jacobson
Kathy Johnston
Megan Kelly
Diane Kirchner
Angelina Kramer
Nancy Kress
Tori Kroboth
Jude Larkin
Daniel Lipsitz
Beverly Lipski
Harvey Manbeck
Ken Martin, American
Philatelic Society
Deb McManus
Jo Merrell
Ruth Merritt
Ann Moellenbrock
Ariana Morales
Patty Mutzeck
Gloria Nieweg
Lori Pacchioli

Sharon Phillips
Kathy Poissant
Bob Potter
Geri Reeve
Kari Reyburn
Tom Reyburn
Ford Risley
Michele Rivera
Lynn Royse
Benjamin Sales
Paul Scanlon
Vinnie Scanlon
Kathleen Schaefer
Pete Schempf
Joy Schon
Shawn Sebora
Brian Sedgwick
Peter Sorensen
Carol Spangler
Judy Speedy
Annie Taylor
Libby Taylor
Kayley Thompson
Rob Uhlig
Frankie & Levi Urrutia-Smith
Bonnie Wang
Bonnie Walter
Max Wandel
Jane Whitaker
Sophia Widga
Roger Williams
Paula Wilson
Linda Witmer
Pam Zimmerman

The Stocking Stuffer is the Historical Society’s largest fundraiser and is critical to providing more than 15% of CCHS’s annual budget. As this event has grown, sponsorship is even more important to provide an event of this scale. Support the Stocking Stuffer this year through being a sponsor or supporter. Supporting in this way will help offset expenses associated with the event and allocate a larger percentage of the profit to CCHS’s mission work.

Here are a few options:

  • Stocking Supporter – @ $50-100 – Your name [and logo if business] will go on the event website page and in the CCHS newsletter.
  • Stocking Stuffer Room Sponsor @ $250 – Supporter benefits plus your name/logo on a panel in a period room for the duration of the Stocking Stuffer as hundreds of guests stroll through.
  • Volunteer! We have nearly 300 time slots that we need to fill to set up, carry out and clean up during the Stocking Stuffer!

For information on contributing in any way to the 2024 Stocking Stuffer, please contact:
Mary Sorensen:
Johanna Sedgwick:
Or call us at: 814-234-4779.

Stocking Stuffer  Supporters and Room Sponors

Stocking Stuffer Supporters and Room Sponsors


Donate Here

2024 Vendors

Please contact Johanna at for vendor information.

Use the Search box to easy find your favorite vendor or type in something that you are looking for. Click on an image to visit the vendor’s website/Facebook if provided.