With the help of conservation-focused nonprofit organizations, environmental educators, and county conservation districts, the Spring Creek Watershed Atlas provides the tools you need to build a ... [More]
CCHS Library and Archives: 1. Comprehensive Historic Site Surveys for boroughs and townships in Centre County 2. National Register of Historic Places nomination forms for Centre County 3. Books and ... [More]
Blumenson, John. Identifying American Architecture: Pictorial Guide to Styles and Terms, 1600-1945. Nashville: American Association for State & Local History, 1977. Carley, Rachel. Visual ... [More]
Some basic techniques and resources required for researching a historic property. Whether the research is intended for personal or academic interest, or for the nomination of a property to the ... [More]
Native Americans Native Americans – Delaware, Shawnee, Mingo, Iroquois – flourished in the early history of Centre County, planting the valleys in corn and squash, and hunting in the ridges. ... [More]
1780s: Hammers, anvils, pots, forge castings 1800s: Dutch ovens, hollow ware, pots, skillets, kettles, lids, flat irons, wheelbarrow wheels, sash weights, wagon boxes, mill screws, mill nuts, ... [More]
To be a good ironmaster, you have to plan ahead. You need to know how much of all the raw ingredients you need to make good charcoal iron. You need to know how much iron you can safely transport to ... [More]
This timeline incorporates various notable Centre Furnace, Centre County, national events to provide context. Period of Log Structure 1775—1783 Revolutionary War 1779 First schoolhouse in Centre ... [More]
Pennsylvania’s important role in the Civil War cannot be denied. Over 360,000 soldiers, including 8,600 African Americans, fought for the preservation of the Union while valuable resources such as ... [More]
An Alphabetical Look at Places and Spaces around Centre County A Aaronsburg (Haines) — Philadelphia land speculator Aaron Levy laid out the village of Aaronsburg in 1786. It was the earliest town ... [More]