List of Iron Products

1780s: Hammers, anvils, pots, forge castings 1800s: Dutch ovens, hollow ware, pots, skillets, kettles, lids, flat irons, wheelbarrow wheels, sash weights, wagon boxes, mill screws, mill nuts, teakettles, irons, clock weights, forge castings, anvils, bake plates, 1810s: Backs and jambs, clock weights, sash weights, street grates, stew pans, pots, mortars, hardware, waffle irons, hollow ware, […]

Be a Successful Ironmaster

To be a good ironmaster, you have to plan ahead. You need to know how much of all the raw ingredients you need to make good charcoal iron. You need to know how much iron you can safely transport to market. You need to know what your expenses might be before you know how much […]

Centre Furnace Ironworks & Mansion Timeline

This timeline incorporates various notable Centre Furnace, Centre County, national events to provide context. Period of Log Structure 1775—1783 Revolutionary War 1779 First schoolhouse in Centre County/Aaronsburg 1789—1797 George Washington, US President 1790—1791 Samuel Miles and John Patton acquired fifty-three land warrants covering over 16,000 acres to begin the Centre Furnace charcoal iron operation. 1791 […]